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Artist Navigators III

Cover ImageAuthor:tfam
Category:Theme Publications
Date Published:2011/12/1

Content:133 pages

Reconstructing Local Culture Amid Globalization:
Situating Ourselves to Understand the Meaning of Yang Mao-lin’s Art╱Li Xianting
History: Constant Battles and Endless Memories
Mei Dean-E’s Political Art╱Chen Kuan-yo
Loosening, Conversing and Connecting:
Social Activist in the Name of Art-Wu Mali╱Wang Shih-ming
The Dual Proposition of “Nonevents” and “Bio-politics”:
the Problematic Art of Ku Shih-yung╱Huang Chien-hung

The Existence of an Unknown Place:
The Art of Wang Ya-hui╱Cindy Chin
An Author’s Unfinished Work:
On Kuo I-chen’s Invading TFAM, Lose Contact and Others╱Cindy Chin
City Memorial:
Lu Hsien-ming’s Paintings since 1990╱Chang Ching-wen
An Empowered Life:
On Shi Jin-hua’s Art╱Cindy Chin