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Promotion and Evaluation of Citizen Services

Promotion and Evaluation of Citizen Services
1. Taipei E-Services Online
Since 1999, Taipei City Government has been promoting the concept of “frequent the Net, free up the roads.” Our objective is to provide municipal services in an expedient and time-saving manner to the public through the “Taipei E-Services Online”, a web-based, one-stop service.
The “Taipei E-Services Online” website currently provides 29 different categories of services, ranging from civil affairs, police affairs, traffic, to health. Residents will be able to fill out and submit service requests online, and to look up basic information. This website also offers application forms for download, and a secure mechanism to submit payment for government services across the Internet. Better yet, even if you don’t have a computer nearby, you can still use your PDA or mobile phone to log onto the website and access online services.

2. Conduct Taipei City Government Service Quality Awards Event
In according to related operational regulations by the Executive Yuan and Taipei City Government, RDEC organizes annual service quality evaluation. RDEC hope to promote service quality and set good service examples for the government agencies.
The 2007 Service Quality Award event divided Taipei City Government agencies into two categories, the Front-line Service Agencies and the Service Planning Agencies. The former are evaluated according to their overall performance, which covers the aspects of “expediency,” “information flow,” and “innovation and added value,” while the latter is subject to a project-based evaluation with a special focus on the planning and resource management for public services.

3. Conduct non-periodical Citizen Service inspections
Besides organizing annual Service Quality Award event, RDEC also dispatches staffs under the guise of a citizen to popular public service locations for spot inspections on the planning and execution of services and the service environment. The results are offered to the agencies concerned for review and improvement in the hope of strengthening the onsite facilities and service performance.

4. Evaluate staff’s telephone etiquette
Telephone service is one of the most common and crucial links in citizen services and its quality has huge impacts on the image of municipal services. To continue improving telephone etiquette in the services of Taipei City Government agencies, the RDEC staffs conduct testing on an ad hoc basis by inquiring on related businesses under the guise of a citizen or an internal customer. Testing points include voice system, dial-up time, staff’s manners, response quality and overall satisfaction, and the results are offered to the agencies concerned for review and improvement in the hope of upgrading the overall image of municipal services.

5. Verify agencies’ processing in service applications
Every year RDEC promulgates the “Verification Plan for Processing Citizen Applications” to Taipei City Government agencies. Periodically RDEC will review and modify Taipei City Government agency’s citizen applications, required documents, application extension process, and other application forms. All TCG agencies must the meet the application guidelines and submit a report to the RDEC Division. This report should be reviewed and approved before an application processing time list is announced. This list is to serve as an application process reference for the public when applying for services.

6. Review Taipei City Government's innovative proposals
Since 2007, RDEC has been promoting the innovative proposals review system that comprises a three-stage screening process and offers multiple incentives. These incentives include administrative bonus points, monetary rewards, overseas trips, and special promotions. RDEC strive to encourage staffs to generate creativity in proposing innovative ideas for improvements, provide thematic studies, and participate in agency’s businesses, thereby educating administrative staffs to desire change. RDEC hope to utilize these innovative ideas to increase administrative efficiency and improve quality service.

7. Organize and analyze Citizen Service satisfaction surveys
Since 2007, RDEC has been developing a series of citizen service satisfaction surveys to evaluate the public’s opinions using a Liker scale survey. Nowadays, we extended our services to get more feedback channels from the public to develop improvements in Taipei City Government agency’s processing applications.