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The Face of Taipei City

無標題文件 In order to promote urban renewal, the Taipei City Government encourages citizens to voluntarily perform reconstruction and maintenance tasks in the external environment of old buildings. The Urban Redevelopment Office Taipei City hosts the annual Face of Taipei City event, where forums on the three aspects of Landscape, History and Culture are merged with the theme of The Face of Taipei City, so that citizens have an opportunity to appreciate outstanding works from the past years through a demonstration of images and explanations by experts. This project has already developed numerous construction cases which have successfully merged with ecological landscapes and cultural art, while reconstructed old buildings gradually appear around street corners. In addition, space enhancement for old communities fully demonstrates that urban renewal methods are not limited to demolition and reconstruction; rather, refurbishment and maintenance are also viable alternatives. It not merely endows the space with more possibilities, but also reinterprets the meaning between space and living, and further transforms the multiple and meaningful layers of the city into urban values that celebrate the aesthetics of living.
The works submitted for the contest demonstrated outstanding standards; there are four categories: 【building re-utilization】, 【enhancement of building facets】, 【public open space】, and 【small alteration of creative space】. Each work not only exhibited a beautiful and pleasant urban image, enhancing visual sensations, but also demonstrated the culture, memory and life concealed within the space to merge with the urban landscapes. We will continue to promote The Face of Taipei City event in order to discover outstanding maintenance works hidden within the city, and to promote space reconstruction based on the mission of urban renewal, so as to endeavor towards the enhancement of the city and to allow citizens of Taipei to enjoy the beautiful experiences of urban living and the sustainable development of happiness and beauty in our city.