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In the forthcoming year, our work will focus on human rights, so as to turn the City into a more human dignity focused, human rights centered, and a diversified and globalized city. The measures are as follows: 1. Improve the legal system to safeguard human dignity and construct a justice-oriented society. (1) Initiate legal education: with the cooperation of the private sector and the participations of citizens, we will work hard to improve citizens’ awareness of rights and democracy. (2) Actively guide the enterprises to resolve consumer disputes. We will invite people from public sectors, private enterprises and consumers to join our seminars, hearings and lectures to discuss the causes and countermeasures of possible consumer disputes. 2. Enhance the legal system to ensure the country is legally bound. (1) Establish an online database of “The Compilation of Opinions & Interpretations of Taipei City Regulations” to provide references for citizens and other government agencies. (2) Revise “Model Contracts of Taipei City Government” to construct an impartial and reasonable contract system. (3) Boost the reformation of legal system: in line with the City Government, we will constantly examine current laws and regulations, and keep the city ordinances and administrative rules up to date for the purpose of establishing a modern and highly efficient legally binding city. (4) Continue to cooperate with the Department of Civil Servant Development: strengthen public servants’ legal education to ensure they are familiar with laws and regulations especially State Compensation Law, Administrative Procedure Act, Administrative Execution Law, and Administrative Penalty Act. (5) Hold the State Compensation Law and associated regulations seminars: advance the expertise and law enforcement ability of each department; provide clarification and interpretation of any doubts/questions raised from each departments with regard to State Compensation Law. (6) Amend “Local Legislative Sample and Legal Work Handbook”: for the references of each department to enhance and ensure the quality of our legal work, and to fulfill the legally binding condition. 3. Set up a diversified consumer dispute scheme (1) Strengthen the educational training on consumer protection officers and consumers. (2) Improve the connection between Central Government and Taipei City Government to construct a further strengthened method in dealing with major consumption cases. (3) Constantly promote and educate on consumer protection policies and regulations. (4) Periodically review consumers’ complaints and actively investigate for further details. (5) Improve procedures of consumers’ complaint and mediation to shorten the process. (6) By issuing consumer warnings, disclose enterprises which have harmed or will threaten consumers so as to promptly protect consumer rights. 4. Thoroughly examine City rules and regulations, and make Taipei City the national center of “Politics”, “Economics”, and “Culture”. In addition, we will broaden the vision of each department with regard to their knowledge of legal system. As a result, Taipei City will provide international-standard legal services. For additional information, please view the following:Appendices