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2018 Governance Matters of the Department of Personnel

I. Vision Build a highly efficient and competitive city government.

II. Mission Be the best strategic partner of the city government.

III. Key Policies

  1. Expand authorization and enhance individual operations upon division and consolidate the administrative responsibility to promote administrative efficacy
  2. Amend organization regulations to render the design of the organization to fit the needs of urban construction
  3. Assist the personnel in various units to use their professional knowledge and skills to control the growth scheduled personnel quota (Personnel AC1.1 and Personnel AP1.1)
  4. Upgrade core skills of personnel staff and select suitable staff to attend courses in professional core abilities, management core abilities, and hold trainings in professional regulations for personnel management and policies (Personnel AL1.1, Personnel BL1.1, Personnel CL1.1, Personnel DL1.1, Personnel EL1.1, and Personnel GL1.1).
  5. Continue to administer dynamic operations in the appointment, dismissal, transfer and verify qualifications to consolidate the policies of examination and appointment. In addition, disabled and indigenous personnel will be appointed in full scale continuously (Personnel BC1.1 and Personnel BP1.1).
  6. Continue to execute periodic transfer to promote on-the-job experience. Expand talent exchange and prevent pollution.
  7. Cultivate talents for key positions and educate civil servants to understand the value and essence of democratic governance and enhance the development of their competency (Government TL1.2 and Personnel CP1.1).
  8. Select and assign outstanding civil servants to further their studies, take short courses or conduct inspection trips in other countries to cultivate their international outlook, city management and marketing, the competence in policy integration, planning and analysis to execute and promote plans efficiently and provide substantial suggestions (Personnel CC1.1).
  9. According to the “Civil Service Pay Act,” “Regulations for Civil Service Additional Pay,” and “Guidelines of Payment for the Military, Civil Servants, and Teachers in the R.O.C.,” wages should be paid upon verification. Monitor different units to file in the “Units and Schools Personnel Expenditure System” every month to update and maintain the accuracy of the wages (salaries) (Personnel DC1.1 and DP1.1)
  10. Promote exchanges and friendships among the employees and units in the government and schools. Sponsor leisure teams and activities to increase opportunities for exchange among our colleagues to explore and expand our domains of everyday life (Personnel DC2.1).
  11. Uphold the openness and transparency of policies. Regular inspection or random inspection of the online posts of work items from the various units in the government. Rolling review of the operating guidelines will be conducted to promote the accuracy of the contents of works (Government HC5.1 and Government EC1.1).
  12. Promote the simplification of personnel forms and develop accurate and complete review and report-free mechanism of personnel data. Develop automatic generation of personnel forms with the information system to decrease 30% or more of the regular filing of manually filled-out forms (Personnel EP1.1).
  13. 13. Plan human resource statistic service and start human resources statistics analysis and demand inventory operations. Construct a personnel databank and data analysis tool, and decision making reference indicators (Personnel EC2.1)