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Security Advice for Residents and Organizations in Taipei

Embassies, representative trade offices, international schools, foreign chambers of commerce and proprietors of establishments where foreigners gather should implement the following security measures:
A. Instruct safeguards to increase security checks of employees, visitors, deliveries and personal items at the entry and exit . Contact the police in case of any suspicious acts or items.
B. Increase the awareness of vigilance and potential risks, as well as the role each individual can play in maintaining a secure environment.
C. When sponsors or organizers plan any activities, they have to submit the relevant documents and ask the police for approval in advance. Police officers will advise appropriate transportation and security measures.
D. Set up Police or resident hotline and surveillance communication lines through the relevant embassies or representative trade offices in Taiwan, so as to expand functionality and scrutinize suspects.
Contact information:
Embassies or representative trade offices in Taiwan and residents may contact the following for further information or assistance:
• 110 Service Call: 110
• Foreign Affairs Service Station of Taipei City Police Department: 2556-6007, 2331-3561 ext. 3064. 3065.
• Foreign Affairs Division of Taipei City Police Department: 2381-8251
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 2348-2999
• National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior: 2321-9011, 0800-018-111