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The major policies of 2013

2013 Administration Plan of the Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government

I. Mission
Promote economic development, construct a sustainable environment and enhance the life quality of city residents as well as economic competitiveness

II. Vision
Make Taipei City a healthy city of sustainability, prosperity and multi-cultures

III. Major policies of 2013

  1. Seize economic situations and industry trends, continually promote domestic and overseas business marketing as well as economic and trade exchanges; develop Cloud Industrial Park, building a Taipei Technology Corridor to attract foreign and Taiwanese companies for investment.
  2. Encourage industries to innovate, research and develop, council SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises) on how to upgrade and transform as well as assist the youth to start their own business, provide associated business start-up information, consultation and guidance, incentives & subsidies and preferential resources, strengthening the entire industrial competitiveness, constructing a superior environment for investment, activating the economics of Taipei City.
  3. Continually improve the hardware and software facilities of shopping districts and marketplaces, construct a superior environment for shopping, and promote economics and the development of shopping districts as well as shape the brand charm reflecting Taipei City's characteristics with rich and multiple marketing themes.
  4. Promote energy-saving and carbon-reduction in industry and commerce; promote reasonable and effective use of energy; publicize renewable energy; implement management and preservation of hot spring resources; supervise operation and management of natural gas business and enhance security and advanced preparation for disaster prevention and rescue.
  5. Develop high-quality, organic and recreational agriculture; develop local characteristic agricultural products; implement organic agricultural products inspection; give guidance and assistance to agricultural groups; promote Green Economy; enhance the economic benefits of agriculture.
  6. Entrust operation of Taipei Expo Park to Taipei Expo Foundation and thereby boost industrial development in the peripheral regions, improve the quality of the recreation industry, activate expo-designs, as well as create opportunities for Taipei City to organize international conferences, expositions or games.
  7. Solidify animal management, promote education of pet owners' responsibility, safeguard hygiene of pet food, promote consultancy and management of pet industry, strengthen operations of animal shelter and animal rescue control, prevent onset of zoonosis, maintain wildlife conservation and sustainable use of natural ecosystems, create an animal-friendly city.