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Tasks and Duties

1. Improvements in Law Enforcement and Service Quality
(1) Establishing SOP for police officers and demonstrative drills
(2) Receiving 110 phone calls and offering the public service
(3) Improving telephone etiquette and service attitude
(4) Improving skills of law enforcement
2. Crime Prevention to Safeguard Public Security
(1) Reinforcing the education of crime prevention
(2) Taking youth protection measures
(3) Keeping women and children safe
(4) Establishing a network for community self-defense
(5) Preventing scam
(6) Maintaining the safety of MRT
(7) Pursuing fugitives from justice
(8) Monitoring individuals on parole
(9) Executing the moral inspection project
3. Active Criminal Investigation to Safeguard the Social Order
(1) Preventing violent crimes
(2) Preventing thefts
(3) Cracking down on bike thefts
(4) Investigating illegal firearms and drugs
(5) Cracking down on illegal casinos
(6) Investigating cybercrimes
4. Intensifying Traffic Law Enforcement and Improving Professional Capabilities
(1) Cracking down on intentional traffic violations
(2) Preventing illegal driving to bike lanes
(3) Adopting new technology for law enforcement
(4) Maintaining the smooth traffic flow