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1Population in TaipeiPersonEnd of Dec 20162,695,704
2Land Area of TaipeiHectareEnd of Dec 201627,180
3Department BudgetTotalNT $1,000,000FY of 201615,590
CurrentNT $1,000,000FY of 20166,038
CapitalNT $1,000,000FY of 20169,552
4EmployeesTotalPersonEnd of Dec 20163,570
AdministrativePersonEnd of Dec 20161,484
WorkerPersonEnd of Dec 20162,012
Contract-based PersonnelPersonEnd of Dec 201674
5Improved SidewalksEnd of Dec 20162,353,260
6Area of RoadsEnd of Dec 201622,603,279
7Area of Roads per PersonnelEnd of Dec 20168.3849
8Bike-Lane (Riverside Parks)kmEnd of Dec 2016112
9Length of Express RoadsPlannedmEnd of Dec 201659,600
CompletedmEnd of Dec 201643,300
10BridgesNo.PieceEnd of Dec 2016349
AreaEnd of Dec 20161,463,421
11TunnelsNo.PieceEnd of Dec 201612
AreaEnd of Dec 2016117,462
12Vehicle TunnelsNo.PieceEnd of Dec 201612
AreaEnd of Dec 201683,306
13Pedestrian TunnelsNo.PieceEnd of Dec 201647
AreaEnd of Dec 201616,243
14DrainagesmEnd of Dec 2016522,158
15Dikes & RevetmentsmEnd of Dec 2016181,954
16SewerAccumulated Number of Households ConnectedNo. of HouseholdsEnd of Dec 2016850,391
Household Sewer Connection Rate%End of Dec 201675.17
17Parks & Green FieldsNo. of PatchPatchEnd of Dec 2016861
AreaEnd of Dec 201614,329,914
18Parks & Green Fields per PersonnelEnd of Dec 20165.3158
19Roadside TreesNumbersEnd of Dec 201688,313
20Street LampsPieceEnd of Dec 2016157,696

Source:Statistics Office of Public Works Department