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Director's profile

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Director's Profile

Name: Kuo-yen Huang
Year of Birth: 1952
E-mail: wh_011@mail.taipei.gov.tw

Organization and Duties

1、Civil Affairs Section:
Responsible for self-governing administration, education, sanitation, civil defense, elections, and other civil affairs.
2、Economic Affairs Section:
Responsible for industry, business, agriculture, forestry, fishery, husbandry, food, irrigation, public construction, and other economic affairs .
3、Military Service Section:
Responsible for military administration, recruitment, manpower conscription, military force census, veterans affairs, and other military affairs.
4、Social Affairs Section:
Responsible for social welfare, social relief, disaster relief, disaster prevention and rescue, community development, employment services, and other social affairs.
5、Community and Cultural Services Section:Responsible for culture,religion,population policy,immigrant edutional assistance.
6、Mediation Committee:
Responsible for mediating civil cases and cases in which only the victims can initiate legal procedures, and provide people with legal counseling.