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Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Yi

Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Yi


◆ Name: Li-Min Yi(易立民)

◆ Position:
 ☆ Deputy Commissioner, Department of Land Administration, Taipei City Government

◆ Education:
 ☆ Master of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University
◆ Work Experience:
  ☆ Superintendent, Land Development Agency,Department of Land Administration, Taipei City Government
  ☆ Chief Secretary, Department of Land Administration, Taipei City Government
  ☆ Senior Specialist, Department of Land Administration, Taipei City Government
  ☆ Systems Director, Department of Land Administration, Taipei City Government
  ☆ Director, Zhongshan Land Office of Taipei City
  ☆ Secretary, Jiancheng Land Office of Taipei City
  ☆ Section Chief, Jiancheng Land Office of Taipei City
  ☆ Specialist, Jiancheng Land Office of Taipei City
  ☆ Section Assistant, Jiancheng Land Office of Taipei City
  ☆ Associate Technical Specialist, Jiancheng Land Office of Taipei City
◆ Others:
  ☆ The 1th Award of Achievements on Land Administration, Ministry of the Interior, 1996
  ☆ The Model Civil Servant, 1994
  ☆ The Model Civil Servant, 2000