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Improving Education through Reflection and Using Innovation as the Core of Future’s Competitiveness


Improving Education through Reflection and Using Innovation as the Core of Future’s Competitiveness

Core Educational Beliefs and Policy Development Direction
  Education is a process journey of instilling positive values in individuals and the most fundamental building block of social mobility; the better the education is, the more civilized and developed a country will be. Every individual’s right to learn and to be educated should be the core of education; through the advancement of students’ learning capabilities and teachers’ teaching effectiveness, every learner is expected to succeed in learning. Some of the ways to practically influence the success of every students learning include adopting creative and applicable teaching methods and differentiated instructions. In response to global education trends and societal changes (i.e. low fertility rate, population ageing), the educational system and its informatization must become increasingly “glocalized” (globalized and localized) and diversified. The strategic educational development should be geared towards “reflection, progress, innovation and experimentation” and based on core values such as “holistic education, life-long learning, and humanistic development.” The goals of education should focus on achieving “successful learning, differentiated education, mission statement and international prospect.” The operation of educational administration should consider sustainable development, systematic thinking, overall planning and suitable supporting mechanisms. Furthermore, issues such as equality, excellence, justice, and social minority groups, all ought to be emphasized. Besides, in order to boost education progress and innovative development, we should constantly reflect on teaching and adminiatration with technology integration and administrative management.

Education Policy Decision-Making Criteria
  The education criteria must take account of cognitiveness, worthwhileness, and voluntariness. Educational policy planning and implementation should be guided by educational profession, public opinions, education values, and public welfare. Uninformed public opinions may be blind-sighted and may simply add to populism; on the other hand, educational policy without public opinion may be too elitist for the policies to be relatable to the public.

Educational Leadership and Management
  Educational leadership should take into account of the spirits of visions, values, and systems as well as integrated leadership. Visionary leadership focuses on the educational development direction; value leadership focuses on core values, secondary values, and added-values. Systematic leadership is prone to develop mechanisms of knowledge management and sustainablitity. Integrated leadership is crucial in creating a diverse and democratic culture in school system. The principals should initiate the integration of administrative teams, parents-associations, teachers’ associations and external resources to promote the cooperation between parents, students, teachers and communities.
  Educational administrative management should establish SOP mechanism and encourage empowerment and delegation with corresponde at power and responsibility; the only way not to fall behind on administrative management is to strive for continuous improvements. The aim is more important than the means while those two must not be mistaken for the other. Remove unnecessary formalism and red tapes in order to reduce the amount of redundant administrative work and ease the staff’s working stress.

Future Educational Policies

  1. Implement stable mechanism for students’ transition from junior high to high school and continue the “exam-free enrollment” in Keelung, New Taipei and Taipei area to enhance school quality.
  2. Implement public (non-profit and public) preschools and aim to achieve 7:3 ratio between public preschool attenders and private preschool attenders.
  3. Implement multiple forms of experimental education such as school-based and non-school based experimental education and niche curriculums. The purpose is for schools to diversify through innovation and provide the public with more educational choices.
  4. Focus on students’ learning and teachers’ teaching effectiveness in order to boost students’ confidence. Implement creative teaching (i.e. online teaching and self-guided learning) and differentiated instructions in elementary and junior high schools; increase the percentage of students who achieve “A’s” and decrease the percentage of students who achieve “C’s” in their exams; implement bilingual teaching and second language teaching in preschools, elementary, and secondary schools.
  5. Transform tranditional physical education to remodel students brains; therefore, in order to help students develop healthy living habits, schools should implement the “SH150” (encouraging students to exercise at least 150 minutes outside of PE class). Schools will collaborate with the 2017 Universiade.
  6. Develop special education (physical and mental disabilities education, gifted education (high IQ), and special talent education) to stimulate students to explore their talents and care for socially underprivileged groups.
  7. Construct a complete lifelong educational system, improve community colleges, generalize elderly learning centers, and in turn, develop Taipei into a lifelong learning city.
  8. Promote international, globalized, and multi-cultural (including new immigrants culture) education to help Taipei integrate with the rest of the world and learning to respect and appreciate different cultural values.
  9. Implement campus safety and food safety.
  10. Renovate existing buildings into greener and more sustainable buildings and transform school resources to become more sharing-friendly and more sustainable.