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Director’s Profile

Kun-Hu LIN, Director

Name: Kun-Hu LIN

Ph.D.,Department of Civil Engineering,National Centray University
Master of Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Graduate, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

Director, Sewerage Systems Office, TCG
Chief Secretary, Public Works Department, TCG
Chief Engineer, Maintenance Office, NTCG
Chief Secretary, New Construction Office, TCG
Deputy Chief Engineer & leader of Maintenance Team, New Construction Office, TCG
Chief of Road Excavation Management Section, New Construction Office, TCG

Research Interests:
Qualified in Civil Engineering, 1995 Level Two Civil Service Senior Examination
Qualified in Structural Engineer, 2001 Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examinations
Qualified in Civil Engineer, 2001 Senior Professional and Technical Personnel Examinations
2004 Superior Individual Contribution Award, the 5th Public Construction Golden Quality Award, Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan
2007 Model Civil Servant, Taipei City Government
2011 Excellent Young Engineers Award of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
2012 Training for Promotion to Senior Rank
2014 Outstanding Alumni, the 7th of the Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
2016 Outstanding Young Alumni, National Cheng Kung University at the 85th Anniversary
Committee Member of the 21st~24th Pavement Engineering Committee, Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
Director of the 10th and Executive Director of the 11th Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering