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Words from the Director

Hot Springs, Cherry Flowers and Taipei City
  Beitou is a nice place of Taipei and is the best of the best. It is the new hometown of hot springs known throughout the world. It is also a tourist attraction located at the suburb of Taipei with a land area of 56.82 square kilometers. It is flanked by Keelung and Tamsui Rivers, embraces Yangmingshan, Datun Mountain, and has abundant tourist resources and sublime and magnificent relics. It has various natural scenic sites such as Yangmingshan National Park, Guandu Natural Park, Macao Hot Spring, Xiaoyoukeng, Zhuzihu, Qingtiangang, Junjian Rock, and Guizkeng; it has relics such as Guandu Temple, Beitou Hot Spring Museum, and Puji Temple; they are the places they must be toured. Beitou is suitable for a tour all year round. In Beitou, spring is ideal for watching cherry flowers; summer is a season when dragon boat races and sunset can be watched. Yangmingshan Valley is green and lovely; Guandu wet land provides a wonderful spot for watching birds; Hot spring showers are comfortable and refreshing; They all indicate the unique natural resources and various and frequent traditional district activities that Beitou District enjoys, making it the most natural and comfortable place in which people live and making it the best choice that tourists at home and abroad can make.
  Ever since being assigned to work at the district office, I have been trying very hard to advance the district affairs, with kindness, efficiency, and convince for the public as the goal of my service, and with human concerns as the way I treat my colleagues. I have gone through good and bad time with my colleagues in our efforts to solve all the difficult problems faced by people living in our district. At the same time, I have treated my colleagues as my family members because by showing my concerns for their needs I am able to raise the quality of service extended to the people living in our district. In order to seek comments from all circles, to fulfill district service, I have paid visits to the senior residents and enthusiastic people of our district; in addition, I use the time I jog in the morning to discover problems. In order to express my appreciation to people who volunteer their time and dedicate themselves for our district, I have paid visits to volunteers who clean up the streets, and those who adopt community parks. This demonstrates the brand new image of this Office, that is, being concerned for every thing, being thoughtful all the time, and enjoying your support in our district service.
  Beitou has convenient transportation and beautiful mountains and waters. It is the hometown of hot springs and is the back garden of the Big Taipei Area. On Yanmingshan and Datun Mountain, colorful flowers vie with each other for attention, making the mountains look like flower seas. The strip-like distribution of hot springs in the New Beitou area, the hot springs along the Xingyi Road, and the commercial area around the Taipei Veterans General Hospital, are radiant with metropolitan beauty. Blue and splendid coastal lines and isles along Guandu and the water banks along the Keelung River around Zhoumei Li make Beitou super beautiful and worth repeated visits.
   Our goal is to make Beitou a clean city free of dog shit. We hope that every resident of Beitou will work together to get rid of dog shit. I would like to thank the First Police Corps and Health Service Center for their support. In this regard and hope that all residents will be proud of living in Beitou.