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Words from the Director

Mr. Jenn-Kuen Farng

 The power of a nation lies greatly in the physical strength of its citizens. Facing a fast changing world, we, in Taipei Sports Office, are committed to promoting the concept of "life-long sports", increasing citizens' physical strength and making Taipei a city with healthy residences. In this regard, we proposed policies to improve the public's physical and mental health as well as their living standard.

 It can be stressful living in a rapid-paced capital city with thriving industrial and business activities. Public facilities for sports and entertainment can provide the citizens good venues to release some of the stress. Our primary goal is to build stadiums and gymnasiums of all sizes to provide our residents and visitors with exciting entertainment and sports and also to create a platform for both sport industry and tourism industry to bloom.
Another goal is to work together and integrate various sport related organizations and associations to provide a good variety of training courses, educational programs, study tours, games, exhibitions and competitions for all. The hope is to enrich and enhance the citizens’ quality of life. The ultimate goal is to help each of our citizens foster the habit of "exercise anytime, anywhere". This will not only help to relieve the growing need for National Health Insurance, but also help to create a healthy and rational society.

 As an international metropolis, Taipei city offers a great variety of games and sport events for its citizens. We will continue to facilitate cooperation and mutual understanding among nations through sports and to bring our health and recreation to a new level. Games, competitions and sport events of all varieties and sizes are welcomed in Taipei. Schools and institutes are encouraged to organize sport related clubs and training stations. Both amateur and professional athletes are rewarded for pursuing the excellence of the sports.

 In a word, we aim at fostering the spirit of "life-long sports" among citizens, enhancing their health and physical strength, encouraging public participation and making Taipei a global, modernized metropolis for sports.