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Huang Sheng-Jean

Superintendent Huang Sheng-Jean


  BA, School of Physical Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

  MD in the post-baccalaureate education program in the School of Medicine, National Taiwan University


  Attending Doctor of Neurosurgery, National Taiwan University Hospital (1995-2015.01)

  Associate Professor of Surgeon, National Taiwan University College of Medicine

  Associate Professor of Department of Education (2011-2015.01)

  Attending Physician of NSICU, National Taiwan University Hospital

  Director, Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital Yun-Lin Branch (2007-2009)

  Director of NSICU, National Taiwan University Hospital (2009-2011)

  Superintendent, National Taiwan University Hospital Jin-Shan Branch (2011-2015)


  Neurosurgery ,Neurotraumatology, Neurointensive care, Palliative care