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2023 Major Events

January 5

The Commissioner's Online Enquiry is available now

January 12

The 10th meeting of the Review Team regarding the public officials involved in litigation support cases was convened, chaired by Wang Chiu-Tung, Deputy Secretary-General.

January 13

Organized a comprehensive discussion with the Department of Social and Public Affairs of Taipei City University regarding the Public Affairs Internship Program for the 1st semester of the 2022 academic year.

February 4-19

Organized “2023 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taipei” - reception of VIPs for lantern gifts, light opening and closing ceremonies, as well as planning of VIP tours during the festival, pre-festival contact and matters associated with the reception, a total of 5 groups totaling 145 VIPs.

February 10

The 2nd enrollment of the 2022 academic year “Non-Profit Kindergarten for Children of Employees of Taipei City Hall (entrusted to the Public Service Association in Taipei)”. The registration period ran from February 1 to February 9, 2023 with the luck of the draw completed at 10:00 a.m. on February 10, 2023.

February 10

To simply work and foster efforts at going paperless, with approval of the mayor, the list of supervisors will no longer be printed out, effective from 2023.

February 14

A group meeting was held to evaluate 2023 civil service workers and outstanding young civil service workers. The meeting was chaired by Secretary General Li Tai-Hsing, and 31 exemplary civil service workers and 10 outstanding young civil service workers were selected.

February 15

A seminar to convey laws and regulations on the retirement of civil service workers for 2023 was held, attended by 335 people.


Organized a seminar to exchange views about local personnel business, attended by the Directors of Personnel for the New Taipei City Government, Keelung City Government, Hsinchu County Government, Hsinchu City Government, Tainan City Government, and the Deputy Director of Personnel for Taoyuan City Government.

February 18

The Minister of Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Su Chun-Jung, 2 Deputy Director-Generals, Directors and Deputy Directors of various administrations and Team Leaders of Public Relations visited TPCG's Big Data Center.

March 6

A meeting was held by Wang Chiu-Tung, Deputy Secretary-General, to evaluate 2023 excellent workers. A total of 30 excellent workers were selected.

March 8

The 1st meeting of TPCG's organizational review team in 2023 was held to review the Criteria for the Organizational Charter for Taipei Municipal High Schools (draft) and some provisions of the Organizational Charter for the Fire Department and Establishment Table (draft).

March 10

The 2023 review meeting for government-level tasks was convened and chaired by Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-Hua and attended by Secretary General Li Tai-Hsing, Department of Finance, Department of Legal Affairs, Directorate General of Budget of Accounting and Statistics, Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, and the TPCG.

March 10

The contract for the insurance for employees of all government agencies (organizations) and their dependents was signed with Cathay Life Insurance by the Public Service Association in Taipei. The insurance period is 2 years starting from 00:00 on April 1, 2023 and ending 00:00 on March 31, 2025.

March 16

The Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park held the 2023 supervisor meeting of the Department of Personnel. The meeting was chaired by the Director, attended by 51 personnel supervisors from various sections and offices of the Department, first-level agencies (organizations) and district offices.

March 19

The Department of Personnel held TPCG's 2023 Commissioner Social Meetup at the Lengqing Trail, Taipei Grand Trail, with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, Chiefs of first-level agencies, Commissioner of Taipei Water Department, and Chairman of Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation all taking part. Attendees totaled 32.

March 23

A review meeting was held for personnel participating in TPCG’s 2023 “Training for Civil Service Workers Promoted to Senior Rank” and “Training for Police Officers Promoted to Police Inspector”.

March 28

A presentation was held in 2023 at the City Hall Parent-Child Cinema to explain the suspension of work and schools due to natural disasters, with 341 participants.

March 29

A ceremony for the “2023 Exemplary Civil Service Workers and Outstanding Young Civil Service Workers” was held in the atrium on the 1st floor of City Hall to recognize 31 exemplary civil service workers and 10 outstanding young civil service workers of the TPCG.

March 29、30

Organized the 2023 “Personnel Business Discussion Seminar”, with the Commissioner giving a lecture, discussing practical affairs and sharing case studies, attended by 322 people.

March 31

To enhance interaction and closeness between families, while encouraging diverse families to take part in parent-child activities, the “2023 TPCG Employee Parent-Child Event” was held at City Hall Parent-Child Cinema. The Apple Theater was invited to perform “Little Dragon Girl” and saw an attendance of 477 employees and their families.

April 14
Organized the “System Instructions Seminar for Regular Performance Assessment System” with a total of 359 participants from various TPCG agencies and schools and personnel institutions
April 19
Hosted an exercise for TPCG’s press release on natural disaster announcements.
April 25
A review meeting was held for personnel participating in TPCG’s 2023 “Training for Promotion of Appointed Civil Servants and Officers” and “Training for Promotion of Police Sergeants to Police Officers”.
April 25
Presented awards and commendations to TPCG’s outstanding workers for 2023 during the city hall meeting and the mayor honored 30 individuals, including Chen Mei-ju from the TPCG’s Department of Civil Affairs.
May 16
Convened the 1st meeting of the special task force for the 2024 fiscal year budget and staffing plan for TPCG. Vice Director Li Hua-shu from this department presided over the meeting, inviting the participation of the Finance Department, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics and Research, Development and Evaluation Committee from TPCG for a joint review.
May 22
Launched the relevant features of the “Employee Entry and Exit Report Form System” on the form process platform and conducted the “System Instructions Seminar for the Employee Entry and Exit Report Form” targeting personnel officers and colleagues in the Employment Section and Appointments Division, with a total of 137 participants.
May 23
Convened a discussion session to draft the “Incentive Measures for Recruiting Indigenous Public Servants in Taipei City Government Agencies and Schools.”
May 23
Organized a seminar on the “Government Servant Service Law” and the “Regulations Governing Service by Civil Servants of the Executive Yuan and Its Subordinate Central and Local Government Agencies (Organizations)” at TPCG’s Department of Civil Servant Development, with a total of 229 participants.
May 26
Convened a meeting to review the 2024 fiscal year plan for dispatching personnel abroad from various TPCG agencies. Deputy Secretary-General Wang Chiu-tung presided over the meeting, inviting the participation of the Finance Department, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics and Research, Development and Evaluation Committee from TPCG for joint review.
June 2
The enrollment period for the “Non-profit Kindergarten for Children of Taipei City Government Staff (Administered by the Public Service Association in Taipei)” and the “Taipei City Government Private Preschool for Children of Taipei City Government Staff” for the 2023 academic year is from May 15,2023, to 12:00 PM on June 1, 2023. The lottery draw was conducted on June 2, 2023, at 10:00 AM.
June 16
Organized a comprehensive discussion with the Department of Social and Public Affairs of Taipei City University regarding the Public Affairs Internship Program for the 2nd semester of the 2022 academic year.
June 28
Convened the 2nd meeting of the special task force for the 2024 fiscal year budget and staffing plan for TPCG. Secretary-General Li Tai-hsing presided over the meeting and the Finance Department, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, and Research, Development and Evaluation Committee from TPCG were invited for joint review.
June 29、30
Held the opening ceremony for TPCG’s 2023 Elite Leadership Class at the Department of Civil Servant Development, with Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-hua delivering a speech. There were 18 participants in the program and it consisted of a 2-day domestic curriculum.
June 30
Convened a meeting to discuss measures for manpower arrangements for district directors’ official vehicles after the scrapping of vehicles exclusively used by district directors. Deputy Secretary-General Wang Chiu-tung presided over the meeting and the Secretariat, Department of Labor, and Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics from TPCG were invited for joint discussions.
July 3Held the 2nd meeting of the 2023 TPCG Organization Structure Review to review organizational regulations and organizational chart (draft) for TPCG’s Indigenous Peoples Commission and the Hydraulic Engineering Office under the Public Works Department.
July 3Conducted a parent orientation meeting for the “Taipei City Government Private Preschool for Children of Taipei City Government Staff,” organized by the Down Syndrome Foundation R.O.C (commissioned coordinating unit), with participation from the New Taipei City Infant and Toddler Care Association (commissioned hosting unit). This meeting was aimed at providing all parents with an understanding of the future operational plans for the daycare center.
July 4、7Held the 2023 Employee Assistance Program - Officers’ Workshop (Second Session) for supervisory personnel, with a total of 35 managers from various departments and schools of TPCG in attendance.
July 11、14Conducted the 2023 Employee Mental Health Counseling Seminar (Second Session), with a total of 22 participants from various departments and schools of TPCG.
July 12Organized “Health Check Express” for current TPCG employees, including screenings for four cancer types and adult preventive healthcare services.
July 12The online system for querying supervisory personnel is now live.
July 17Held the 2023 expanded personnel officer briefing, which was attended by 206 participants consisting of the office’s division-level officers and above, personnel officers from level-1 offices (units), personnel officers from district offices, personnel officers from level-2 offices (units), school personnel officers, and outstanding personnel officers from our office in 2023.
July 17Conducted a special seminar on the handling of sexual harassment cases, including the Gender Equality in Employment Act and the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act. A total of 214 participants from various departments and schools of TPCG attended.
July 20Convened the Civil Service Protection & Training Commission’s 2023 Civil Servant Protection and Training Guidance Program at TPCG’s Department of Civil Servant Development and a total of 225 participants from various departments and schools of TPCG attended.
July 27The inauguration ceremony for the “Taipei City Government Private Preschool for Children of Taipei City Government Staff” took place on July 27, 2023. It was attended by Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, Deputy Secretary-General Wang Chiu-tung, Director Chang Chien-chih of the Department of Personnel, Director Yao Shu-wen of the Department of Social Welfare, Deputy Director Wang Li-ching of the Public Affairs Management Center, Director Yu Chi-hsueh of the Construction Management Office, and Vice Executive Cheng Hsien-ming of the Down Syndrome Foundation R.O.C. The preschool officially began providing care to 32 infants and young children on August 1, 2023.
July 31The Taipei City Hall Employees’ Non-Profit Kindergarten, affiliated with TPCG and entrusted to The Public Service Association in Taipei, ceased to provide child care services on July 31, 2023.
July 31、August 1Held the 2023 New Personnel Staff Symposium for our department, comprising two sessions, with a total of 51 new personnel staff in attendance.
August 2In accordance with information provided by the Central Weather Administration and the relevant regulations outlined in the “Operation Regulations on the Suspension of Offices and Classes because of Natural Disasters,” and considering the significant population commuting between cities, TPCG announced the suspension of work and classes for all TPCG organizations and schools, effective from 8 PM on the evening of the 3rd.
August 7Held the opening ceremony of the 2023 TPCG Family Day at the courtyard on the 1st floor of Taipei City Hall; participants included TPCG employees, their children, and their family members, totaling 768 people from 260 families. The event aimed to increase interaction among employees, and among employees and their children.
August 16、23Our department underwent an external audit for the Information Security Management System (ISMS) conducted by a third-party, and successfully passed the verification.
August  26、27TPCG’s Xinqiaoyuan Club held the first and second session of a singles event in 2023 at Xinsheng Park Area and Pavilion of Angel Life of Taipei Expo Park in Zhongshan District, Taipei City, with a total of 111 participants. This event enriched the social life of colleagues in the civil service and the teaching sector who are single, and opened up opportunities for them to meet and interact with one another.
September 2
TPCG’s Xinqiaoyuan Club held the third session of a singles event in 2023 at EnterSpace, with participants totaling 60 people. This event enriched the social life of colleagues in the civil service and the teaching sector who are single, and opened up opportunities for them to know and interact with one another.
September 12
Held a special seminar on key amendments to the “Act of Gender Equality in Employment” and the “Sexual Harassment Prevention Act.” A total of 64 personnel managers from various level-1 offices (units), district offices, and some level-2 offices of TPCG attended.
September 18
Held the 3rd meeting of the 2023 TPCG Organization Structure Review to examine the organizational regulations and organizational chart (draft) for TPCG’s Mortuary Services Office, Household Registration Office, Taipei Zhongshan Hall, and Taipei Broadcasting Station.
September 26
Participants of TPCG’s 2023 Elite Leadership Class who visited Japan for a study tour presented their findings during the 2263rd City Hall meeting On September 26, 2023.
September 26
Set up DOPNAS, a new file server, and instructed all departments to transfer their files and data from the old network neighborhood, Xtore3, to DOPNAS.
September 28
Organized an information session for seventh-grade employees within our department’s sections and in the sixth-level sequence. They were encouraged to apply for promotions to positions such as school personnel managers and administrators within the fifth-level sequence. Representatives from the Department of Education’s Personnel Office and the Department of Health’s Personnel Office were invited to discuss personnel matters at their respective institutions. Our department’s Personnel Training Division also presented information on sexual harassment prevention regulations. In total, 86 participants attended the two sessions.
October 17、19、 26
Conducting on-site personnel inspections for the 2023 Annual Recruitment Plan for the Department of Civil Affairs, Department of Education, Department of Information and Tourism, Department of Cultural Affairs, and Department of Land Administration.
November 2
Organized the “2023 Personnel Management Exchange Meeting” at the Nangang Tea Manufacturing Demonstration Farm, featuring a special lecture by Professor Neng-Chieh Shih from National Chengchi University. The event was attended by 36 participants, including the Director, Deputy Director, department heads, and personnel managers from various agencies.
November 6
Held the “2023 Annual Performance Evaluation Workshop” at the Family Theater on the 2nd floor of Taipei City Hall. The workshop, hosted by Chief Secretary Ching-Yun Su, featured a lecture by Tsen-Mei Lin, a senior specialist from the Department of Personnel Planning and Regulations, Ministry of Civil Service. A total of 346 participants attended.
November 9
Convened the 4th meeting of the 2023 TPCG Organization Structure Review Committee, which reviewed the TPCG Organizational Self-Government Ordinance (draft), the Organizational Regulations and Staffing Table of the Taipei Youth Affairs Committee (draft), the Organizational Regulations and Staffing Table of the Department of Education (draft), the Organizational Regulations and Staffing Table of the Youth Development and Family Education Center (draft), and the Proposed Adjustments to the Organizational Structure of the Youth Development and Family Education Center in Response to Existing Personnel Handling Principles (draft).
November 9
Convened the “Meeting to Discuss Measures and Concrete Suggestions for Addressing Manpower Shortages and Improving Services by Retired Civil Servants in TPCG,” chaired by Deputy Director of the Office, Hua-Shu Li. The meeting invited representatives from various TPCG primary agencies and district offices to participate in the joint discussion.
November 13
Held the 1st meeting for 2023 to review proposals for budget adjustments and personnel quotas in various TPCG agencies, schools, and institutions. The meeting considered proposals for 13 staffing plans from 5 government agencies, including the Department of Health, Taipei City Archives under the Department of Cultural Affairs, the Department of Education (including Yangming High School and Sinsing Junior High School), Department of Social Welfare, and Taipei City Animal Protection Office under Department of Economic Development.
November 20
The online inquiry system for personnel records officially went live.
November 28
Conducted the first information session for the vacant position of Chief of the Personnel Office at Taipei City Hospital (TCH). Director Chin-Chao Liu from the TCH Personnel Office provided a detailed explanation of the organizational structure, responsibilities, manpower overview, and benefits for the Chief’s role. A total of 20 staff members from our department attended.
November 29
Initiated the first meeting of the project team for the trial implementation of AI conversational personnel services, chaired by Senior Specialist Ming-Chu Kang.
December 1
Held the second information session for the vacant position of Chief of the Personnel Office at Taipei City Hospital. Director Chin-Chao Liu from the TCH Personnel Office once again provided a detailed explanation of the organizational structure, responsibilities, manpower overview, and benefits for the Chief’s role.
December 14
Convened the second meeting to review budget proposals for 2023 for various TPCG agencies and schools. The meeting considered proposals for seven staffing plans from the three government agencies, Taipei City Market Administration Office under the Industrial Development Bureau, Department of Social Welfare, and Department of Education (including affiliated municipal universities and Xingfu Junior High School).
December 19
Conducted an information session to promote and explain real-time incentive measures or mechanisms for TPCG. Encouraged TPCG agencies and schools to effectively utilize various reward measures or systems to commend and publicly recognize outstanding employees, aiming to boost morale and enthusiasm. A total of 55 participants from various TPCG primary agencies and district offices attended.
December 19
The Non-Profit Kindergarten for Children of Employees of Taipei City Government, established by TPCG, participated in the “Evaluation of Workplace Childcare Facilities in Public Departments for 2023” organized by the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration. The kindergarten received the Special Excellence Award, with Deputy Director of the Office, Hua-Shu Li, representing the agency in accepting the award.
December 27
Convened the 2024 review meeting for the reorganization of task forces at the municipal level. Deputy Mayor Yi-Hua Lin presided over the meeting, with Secretary-General Tai-Hsing Li, Deputy Secretary-General Wen-Te Chang, Department of Finance, Department of Legal Affairs, Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, and our department participating in the review.
December 29
Organized a comprehensive discussion with the Department of Social and Public Affairs of Taipei City University regarding the Public Affairs Internship Program for the 1st semester of the 2023 academic year.