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Introduction to the Medium-term Public Construction Plan of Taipei City Government

With the advent of globalization, the competitiveness of cities has taken shape. Under the continuous efforts of successive mayors, Taipei has become a leading city that combines modernity with an international perspective. To realize the ideal of providing a better urban life for its citizens, the Medium-term Public Construction Plan of Taipei City Government is aligned with the Municipal Policy White Paper that achieves the vision of governance, continues the major policies of the city government, and focus on the key tasks of various agencies. The operational processes have been incorporated into the system control, by the establishment of the Plan Management System. Through the comprehensive analysis of supply and demand within the system, precise planning for the future important public construction of the city government can be carried out. This enables the prioritization and control of future key tasks and engineering projects and serves as a reference for the city government's plan of medium to long-term revenue and expenditure.

The Medium-term Public Construction Plan comprises project plans from various agencies. Those project plans must meet the criteria of a total project budget of at least 200 million NTD and a duration of at least 2 years for hardware construction projects, or in the principle of city-wide systematic deployment or strategically significant individual projects. Project plans are divided into two categories: ongoing projects and emerging projects, to estimate future budget requirements. However, the budget requirements for each fiscal year are estimates. For the sake of prudence, the annual budget requirements for ongoing and emerging projects of each agency still need to undergo an annual review and on-site verification by The Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) of Taipei City Government. Subsequently, those plans will be reviewed and deliberated by the annual planning and budget review panel and committee under procedures.