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2013 Major Events


Milestones for the Department of Personnel, in 2013
Dec 20 The Personnel Department of Kaohsiung City Government visited the Department to share and exchange experiences on the promotion of IT-based personnel services.
Dec 3 The Department participated in the 2013 evaluation on information and IT operations of agencies under the Taipei City Government, and received an excellent rating for category one agency. It is the best rating the Department received since being listed under category one agency in 2010 (rating was grade A for 2010 to 2012).
Nov 1 The new job search and recruitment website for every agency and school under Taipei City is officially online, with the “OKWork” website inaugurated at the same time, to link up with external job seeker data and offer personalized services of vacancy reservation for the web citizens.
Oct 1 Inauguration (oath-taking ceremony) and hand-over ceremony for Commissioner Chen Ying-Rong of the Department of Finance and Commissioner Lin Yi-Hua of the Department of Education.
Sep 23 500 government personnel workers and 370 school personnel staff members city-wide took the Internet-based 2013 Annual Examination of Personnel Regulations, conducted through Taipei City Government’s online personnel service.
Sep 12 11 staff members attended the first “Training Program on Information Security and Personal Data Protection” of 2013, organized by the Department of Personnel, Taipei City Government.
Sep 8 To increase the interactions of Taipei City and other cities/counties, the city government dispatched a team comprising 140 employees and their family members to participate in the 31st Sun Moon Lake International Swimming Carnival (2013). The event was organized by the Nantou County Government.
Sep 6 74 personnel officials from various departments under the city government attended the 2nd Conference of Personnel Officials of 2013. The meeting was held in the conference room on the 6th floor of Taipei City Police Department.
Aug 6 Sun, Tien-long was inaugurated as the commissioner of the Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government.
Jul 30 The Mayor awarded the third-class merit medal to former Commissioner Chen Gao-Can of the Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Taipei City Government before the City Executive Meeting.
Jul 26 The “Initiation of Personnel Services from Heart: Upgrade by e-creation” of the Department won the “Merit Award” in the Advanced Group of the 4th Human Resources Management and Innovation Award”. On behalf of the Department, Commissioner Han Yieng-Chen received the award at the conference of personnel officials of Executive Yuan. Chen Jun-Nan, Chief of the Information Office, also gave a briefing on case-sharing at the conference.
Jun 24 The City Government’s chief team came in 3rd place in the Invitation Group A of the 2013 Taipei International Dragon Boat Championship.
Jun 11 2013 awards ceremony for government agencies and schools with excellent performance in promoting gender equality.
May 7 Commissioner Tsai Li-Wen of the Department of Legal Affairs was awarded the Medal of Distinguished Service for Chief Government Executives (2nd Class), by the Mayor at the municipal conference.
May 7 Oath-taking ceremony of Ben Tai-Ming, the Commissioner of the Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government.
Apr 30 During the City Executive Meeting, 40 maintenance workers were commended for their outstanding performance in 2013. The Mayor personally presented the medals and awarded each staff with NTD 10,000 and 5 official business leaves.
Apr 15 The City’s 12 district offices officially implemented the WebITR attendance system.
Apr 2 The swearing-in ceremony of Taipei City’s Deputy Mayor, Chang Chin-oh, was held.
Apr 1 The 12 household registration offices under the Department of Civil Affairs, Taipei City Government, officially started the implementation of WebITR attendance system.
Mar 27 The 2013 Taipei City Government staff basketball tournament was held on the 1st floor of Taipei Gymnasium. 28 teams comprising 6 middle-age teams, 16 youth teams and 6 female teams participated in the tournament, totaling approximately 457 participants.
Mar 22 The 2013 Taipei City Government staff 3 on 3 basketball tournament was held on the 1st floor of Taipei Gymnasium. 39 teams comprising 28 male teams and 11 female teams participated in the tournament, totaling approximately 155 participants.
Feb 5 The “Human Resource Survey Report” function of the new version personnel service website was officially launched, accumulating the statistics on staff with excellent performance, to be given priorities in promotion, as well as on investigation reports on the promotion cases.