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Intersecting Vectors

Publisher: TFAM
Category: Exhibitions Catalog
Published Date: 2014/4/1
ISBN: 978-986-04-0352-7
Price: 600 TWD

Intersecting Vectors—Experimental Projects from the TFAM Collection

The museum is a creative venue that remembers the past, reflects the present and projects into the future. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, while emphasizing looking backward, we also try to incorporate new cultural thinking and show creativity and vitality. With regard to the annual exhibitions of works from the museum collection, the existing mode is to present them chronologically or by grouping them under different media. With “Intersecting Vectors”, the Taipei Fine Arts Museum proposes an open-ended and experimental exhibition featuring works from the museum collection for the first time. By linking and juxtaposing works from different periods, in various media and with different historical contexts, it contains “vectors” that break with habitual viewing, encompassing all kinds of possible associations to create a viewing experience that provokes thinking and fires the imagination.

To present precious works from our museum collection, we have invited energetic young curators to “create” exhibitions, allowing them the greatest degree of experimentation, and providing all kinds of exhibition assistance that lasts until the end of the exhibitions. These attempts apparently remove the works from their original temporal and spatial background and thematic context. We are pleased to see the genesis and realization of curatorial concepts that go beyond the limits of ordinary imagination. By recombining different types of works and transforming their meaning, they offer more diverse and varied viewpoints to appreciate and think about the works from the museum collection. 



005 Preface
009 To Be Continued | Ming-Juin Tsai,Curator
031 Weightless | Yunglin Wang,Curator
049 Me at Liu's Home | Ya-Chun Chin, Curator
077 Intersection Vectors of the TFAM Collection | Huang Hai-Ming, Chief Curator
083 "Trendy"Collections!-The Individual Context Triggered from Within by the Intersecting Vectors Experimental Projects | Ping Lin
099 An Oblique Look at Curated Collections:Living within the Perception System-About "Intersection Vectors-Experimental Projects from the TFAM Collection" | Tai-Song Chen
112 Plates