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MODERN ART No.186 Quarterly 2017.9

Publisher: TFAM
Category: MODERN ART
Published Date: 2017/8/15


Performance in the Arena of Visual Arts

006 - Waiting for Godot: Expectation and Sequella│Huang Ding-yun

012 - Scaling Basic Elemaents: An Interview with the Choreographer and Composer/Musician of Transparecy│Sun Shang-chi / Hung Yu-wen

021 - Recording Sound and Symbolic Systems: An Interview with Snow Huang│Snow Huang

032 - The Structure of a Performance: An Interviewing with Ma Wei-yuan│Ma Wei-yuan

042 - Transitioning Objects: An Interviewing with the Director and Scenic Designer of Common Tragedies│Baboo Liao / Luo Jr-shin

Artwork and History

053 - Beyond Durational Aesthetics: Space in the Work of Tehching Hsieh│Wang Sheng-hung

061 - Artist Notes, Artwork Concept and an Interview with the Creator of TH Walker│Su Hui-Yu / Wang Po-Wei

076 - Calamitous Circus: Recounting the Creation of Re-rupture│Chen Wan-yin

Tracing the Origin

086 - Visiting the Residence of Gobara Koto: Recollections of His Influence on Taiwan's Nihonga Painting│Lin Yu-chun

096 - The Art Museum in Print: Neonatal Breaths No.2│Tsai Hairu

100 - An Interview with Tsai Hairu│Tsai Hairu / Wang Po-wei

120 - TFAM Online