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Regarding Ai Weiwei

Category:Exhibition Catalogs
Published Date:2012/6/1
Out of Stock

Content:114 pages

Preface 09 Weng Chih-Tsung
A Critical Designer─The Political Aesthetic of Ai Weiwek and the Form of hisWorks
18 Chienhui Kao
Ai Weiwek,Natural-born rebel 36 Feng Boyi
Fairytale Machine,Future people 56 Chen Tai-Song
Mercurial Mockery 74
Ai Weiwei and the Conflict Between Intuition and Life Liú yung-jen
Stubborn Cultural DNA and the Absence of Public Charges 90
The Missing Context in TFAM’s Ai Weiwei absent Huang Hai-Ming
The Absence of Presence:On Ai Weiwei’s Passive lnitiative 108 Hsu Minghang