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Journal of TFAM | 23

date published:2012/5/1

Content:140 pages
Foreword 2
Chief Editor’s Note 4
Theme: Art and Cinema
Le cinéma comme un art plastique / Dominique Païni 9
The Expanded Landscape’s Cinematic Border: On Tsai Ming-liang’s Non/Artisticity from Goodbye, Dragon Inn to Later Film Installations / Sing Song-yong 27
Architecture as the key to connect film installations and film aesthetics: using Tsai Ming-liang’s works as example / Chiang Ling-ching 51
Ghost Images in Brian de Palma’s Obsession/ Valentin Nussbaum 79
Becoming Figural: The Digital Moving Images in the Post-Cinematic Era/ Chiu Chih-yung
Book Review
Review on Thierry Groensteen’s The System of Comics/ Cheng Mu-ni 127
Appendix 1 Brief Introduction of Journal of Taipei Fine Arts Museum 135
Appendix 2 Call for Contributions 136