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Journal of TFAM | 26

Publisher: TFAM
Category: Journal of TFAM
Published Date: 2013/12/1
ISBN: ISSN 1560-4713
Price: 280 TWD

002 - Chief Editor’s Note
Theme: Museum and Its Role as New Narrator in Contemporary Art
005 - Village as Art Museum, Art Museum as Village: Narrative analysis of ToGo Rural Village Art Museum in Tainan │ Hong Yi-chen
037 - Exhibition of Video Art in the Digital Era: From the Emergence of Multiple Platforms to a Narrative Approach │ Chiang Ling-ching
General Essay
065 - Gerhard Richter’s Landscape Painting and its “Atypical” Pattern │ Li Hung-tai
089 - The Imagination of Matter: Childhood and Cosmos Reveries in Jimmy Liao’s Visual Art │ Tsai Shu-hui
113 - Appendix1 Brief Introduction of Journal of Taipei Fine Arts Museum
114 - Appendix2 Call for Contributions