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Modern Art NO.171 Bimonthly 2013.12

Publisher: TFAM
Category: Modern Art
Published Date: 2013/12/1
ISBN: 977-101802200-1
Price: 150 TWD

Promotion and Communication at a Museum
006 - “Let the Artwork Talk”: The Concept of Art Museum Education in Practice│Liu Wan-Chen
016 - Start with People: The Value of Creativity in Art Education - Lin Mun-Lee on Museum Interpretation│Hsu Hui-Chi
022 - Museum on the Move: The Impact of New Media on Museum Art Education│Herminia Din
028 - A Field to Grow Art: Interview with TFAM's Education Department Chief Liu Chien-Kuo│Seeing Wu
038 - Art is a Verb: “The Art Experience Corner” at TFAM from 2002 to 2008│Lily Chang
047 - A New Landscape is Born: Conceptualizing Space at TFAM’s “Children’s Art Education Center”│Kuo Tzu-Ying
Exhibition Review
056 - Dimensions of Falling: What Imminent Sounds Has Manifested│Chen Chiao
062 - Paradigm Shift in Intersecting Vectors: Experimental Projects from the TFAM Collection│Chen Hsin
Artist Navigator: Wu Cheng-Chang
070 - The Journey of a Faceless Man: Two Bodies in Wu Cheng-Chang’s“Vision of Taiwan”│Chen Kuan-Yu
076 - Creative Readings of “Vision of Taiwan”│Wu Cheng-Chang
Lecture Series 2013: Expanded Curating
085 - Art’s Social Significance - Notes on The Curatorial Workshop “The Uses of Art and Uses of the Museum”│Wang Po-Wei
089 - Excerpts from “Constitutive Effects and Affects: On the Possibilities and Impossibilities of Curatorial Practice”│Simon Sheikh
097 - Boundaries of Our Senses: Excerpts from “Imminent Sounds International Art Forums”
James Giroudon, Pierre-Alain Jaffrennou, etc.
103 - Antoine d'Agata: A French Photographer Who Challenges Traditions and Pursues Extremes Chan Tsai-Yun
108 - TFAM Online / Editor’s Notes