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Publisher : TFAM
Category : Exhibitions Catalog
Published Date : 2013/7/1
ISBN : 978-986-03-7315-8
Page : 588 pages
Price : 1300 TWD

Table of Content
Connecting the Dots from The Travelling Musée en Appartment
What can we learn from the Parkett exhibition?│Huang Hai-Ming   014
Introductory Remarks│Dieter von Graffenried   026
Collaborations with Parkett:1984 to Now│Deborah Wye   036
The Museum Plays House│Susan Tallman   056
Reading Parkett in Beijing:Thoughts on a Magazine an the Global│Pu Hong   076
200 Editions, alphabetically by artists   086
+5 Meeting Room:Special Collaborations at TFAM   534
Artists' Sketches and Letters   546
Inserts   566
Spines 570
Publications:92 Volumes   572