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The Night of Sodom

Publisher: TFAM
Category: Exhibition Catalogs
Published Date: 2016/12
Price: NT$800


008 - Ping Lin, Director, Taipei Fine Arts Museum

032 - Dazzing / Death / Sublimation ─ Notes on the Making of The Night of Sodom │ Jun - Jieh Wang, Man-Nung Chou

038 - Appropriating, Remaking and Creating: The Three Stage Symbolic Order and the Visual Rhetorical Strategy in The Night of Sodom │ Chih-Yung Aaron Chiu

042 - Contemporary Exection Ground in a Box │ Chien-Hung Huang

046 - A Parallel Writing on Sodom Melancholia: Ecstasy of a Civilized Murder │ Huan-Hsiung Li


052 - Mixed Media Kinetic Installation, The Night of Sodom

094 - Mixed Msdia Space Installation, Melancholy Youth Encyclopedia

132 - Exhibition Panel Discussion

139 - Production Journal

150 - Project Team Profile