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Chen Cheng-hsiung, A Retrospective:1953-2013

Publisher: TFAM
Category: Exhibitions Catalog
Published Date: 2014/6/23
ISBN: 975-986-04-1530-8
Price: NT$1000

ln addition to being an internationally renown artist, Chen has dedicated many years to studying abstract painting while researching and collecting textiles and Taiwanese aboriginal art. Born in 1935 in Taipei, Chen studied oil painting in his youth with senior generation artists Lee Shih-Chiao and Chin Jun-Tso. Stylistically, these early works fall between the categories of semi-figurative and representative painting. In 1958, Chen started diligently reading books about modern art which initiated his understanding of abstract art as well as his entry into the practice of abstract painting. Chen’s work belongs to the tradition of eastern lyrical abstraction, his inspiration coming from primitive art and his long and exquisite cultural heritage. Chen blends calligraphic lines with sumptuous colors and boldly unrestrained brushwork to create surging rhythms. Black lines in his paintings weave among fields of color, and his abstract concepts are replete with visual metaphors in ceaseless variations.

007 - Preface│Huang Hai-ming
009 - The Farthest - To Springtime Written in Celebration of Abstractionist Macstro Chen Cheng-Hsiung's "A Retrospective 60 Years"│Chen I-chih
025 - An Ode to Life and Culture - the Art and Achievements of Chen Cheng-Hsiung│Haiao Chong-Ray
047 - For the 60 Years Retrospective Exhibition of Chen Cheng-Hsiung│John T Spike
057 - Searching for the Libido in Chen Cheng-Hsiung's Paintings│Wang Lin
063 - Dans l'eternite et de l' histoire - Chen Cheng-Hsiung et son abstraction vitaliste│Gerard Xuriguera
068 - The Sayings of Chen Cheng-Hsiung on Art│Chen Cheng-Hsiung
071 - Plates
319 - Appendix
320 - Chronology
334 - Awards and Honors