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2013 Taipei Arts Awards

Publisher: TFAM
Category: Exhibitions Catalog
Published Date: 2014/1/1
ISBN: 978-986-04-0352-7
Price: 200 TWD

The Taipei Arts Awards has always devoted to rearing new and emerging talents in visual arts and has encouraged great artists with potential and consistent practices. Besides, one of the expectations of the Award is to unearth cultivated artworks with the zeitgeist. The Taipei Arts Awards this year actually attempts to create an intimate, substantial and open relation. What is involved even includes multiculturalism and interrelationship among people of different nationalities, topics which were not so emphasized in the previous exhibitions of the Awards.
005 - Forewords
Lung-Bin Hau│Mayor of Taipei City Government
Wei-Gong Liou│Commissioner of Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
Hai-Ming Huang│Director of Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Juror's Observations
009 - Observations on 2013 Taipei Arts Awards Exhibition, about Action and Image│Tai-Song Chen
Grand Prize
020 - Five-Hundred Lemon Trees│Po-Chih Huang
Honorable Mention
028 - Series of Another Soundscape – Lotto│Wang Chung-Kun
034 - My Friends / Vacant Lot│Chien-Ying Wu
040 - eir Rooms, eir Dreams│Ting-Chun Chen
046 - Delay and Pit│Yu Ping Kuo
052 - e ird Industrial Revolution│Jeng Chorng-Shiaw
Selected Award
060 - Minsheng Village and People's livelihood Village│Minsheng Village and People's livelihood Village
066 - 24 Hours Betelnut Shop│Yuda Ho
072 - Dual / MIDVA│Simon Chang
078 - matrix.24 N°0 / matrix.24 N°1│Chang Yung-Ta
084 - Unnatural Series / e Visible‧Invisible X│Yu Shan Huang
090 - Take Care│Chi-Yu Liao