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Journal of TFAM | 25

Publisher : tfam
Category : Journal of TFAM
Published Date : 2013/5/1
ISBN : ISSN 1560-4713
Page : 158 pages
Price : 280 TWD


Chief Editor’s Note 02
Theme: Theme: Museums and Contemporaneity
日本の博物館制度の最新動向 栗原祐司 09
Reflections on Art Museum Governance and Public Accountability at the Beginning of the 21st Century Tzeng Shin-chieh 27
An Analysis of Four Museums on Design Exhibitions and their Underlying Context Wung Tsuilien 51
From Taste to Authenticity: Observations on the Role of the Connoisseur in Western Art History Wu Chieh-hsiang 83
General Essay
Blurring the Picture Frame: Self-Portraits of Nineteenth-Century French Photographers Chien Po-ju 117
Book Review
Appendix 1 Brief Introduction of Journal of Taipei Fine Arts Museum 149
Appendix 2 Call for Contributions 150