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Time: The Images of Chang Chao-Tang, 1959-2013

Publisher: TFAM
Category: Exhibitions Catalog
Published Date: 2013/10/1
ISBN: 978-986-03-8132-0
Price: 2000 TWD

"Always on the go and first one the spot" - Chang Chao-Tang has been taking photos ever since high school. During his fifty-year artistic career, he has created works spanning photography,television films,documentaries and feature films.
In terms of the existential values of man and the contemplation of people's temporal and spatial situation, his images are both ordinary and sublime, warm and detached, absurd and humorous, exemplifying the photographer's keen observations, deep understanding and sympathy, as well as profound compassion and empathy.
009 - Regarding Time│Chang Chao-Tang
015 - No Sound for the Greatest Music, No Shape for the Greatest Appearance:Chang Chao-Tang's Photography Art and Aspects of His Life │Kuo Li-Hsin
025 - From Manipulating Reality to Questioning Reality: Loose Thoughts the Photography of Chang Chao-Tang│Gu Zheng
045 - A Dark Room Light in Clear Chamber,a Faint Light in a Darkroom│Chang Shih-Lun
053 - The Dualistic Documantary Eye:A Preliminary Study of Chang Chao-Tang 's Documantaries of the 1970s│Sing Song-Yong
065 - Detachment and Bizarreness : Some Thoughts on Chang Chao-Tang's Films and Their Relationship with Music│Ho Tung- Hung
075 - Reflections On Photo Anthologies Edited by Chang Chao-Tang│Shen Chao-Liang
082 - Images of Youth
116 - Existential Voices
240 - Face in Time
284 - Inner Landscapes
336 - The Sleepwalking Before...
350 - Taiwan - And then Nuclear Disaster...