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Taipei Broadcasting Station interviews Geotechnical Engineering Office about safety management of slope buildings and communities

Taiwan enters typhoon season from May each year. Section chief of Slope Land Building Section in Geotechnical Engineering Office, Lin Shih-Yuan , gave an interview from the show “You Are the Master of Taipei City” on Taipei Broadcasting Station.
「Soil and water conservation facilities were set after the development of hillside」 said Lin during the interview. According to Soil and water Conservation Act, the operator, user or owner of the land are obligors of soil and water conservation, should carry out the conservation according to related rules. People should pay more attention to functionality of such conservation facilities lie manmade-slopes when they are around the building.
For example, checking whether drainage holes on manmade slopes are blocked, manmade-slopes are slanting at an unusual angle, and whether drain ditches are in good condition, etc.
For more information please visit Taipei Broadcasting Station’s website:http://www.radio.taipei.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=33252172&CtNode=56716&mp=112011(Chinese) Click on “Online Broadcasting” to listen to the programs.