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Feitsui Becomes the First Carbon Neutral Reservoir in Taiwan

The global climate change results in severe impacts on the environment and ecosystem. In order to construct a low-carbon, green-energy reservoir, Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration (TFRA) voluntarily started to proceed with the inventory project of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and a managerial plan of carbon neutrality in 2011. Through two years of hard work, on March 24, 2014, TFRA was proud to obtain the “Carbon Neutral” certification issued by the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan. Feitsui Reservoir is the first reservoir to earn "Carbon Neutral" certification in Taiwan.
In 2012, TFRA begun planning the carbon neutrality, and declared the commitment to achieve carbon neutrality goal using TFRA carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions from 2011 as the base year. Proceeding through various programs of carbon reduction and energy saving, such as the introduction of green energy vehicles (electric cars and electric boats) and green electricity generated by Feitsui hydro power plant; TFRA has successfully reduced 29.51 tons of CO2e, an 8.3% carbon reduction, surpassing the original target of 5.5% in 2013. Additionally, TFRA achieved 327.04 tons of offset carbon credit by the environmental education services, in which it has successfully reached the carbon neutral goal.