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"Giving you courage, Cherishing life": An admission-free speech held by Taipei e-Campus to share with you a life story of love and bravery

When you are at a crossroads of your life, how would you make a decision to face the unknown future?
Ms Liu Chi-Hua, a doll crafter, has been invited by Taipei e-Campus and Daan Community College to give an admission-free speech about her own unyielding life story on Saturday, June 7, 2014 from 2 p.m. to 4:40 p.m. at 805 Hall, Jinou Girls High School.
For many years, Ms Liu has passed on the message of love and bravery by giving dolls named "Courage," which are designed and hand-made by herself, to children at the Morakot-storm-devastated areas in Taiwan as well as children at 311 tsunami-affected areas in Japan. However, in 2013, Ms Liu encountered a twist of fate. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at stageⅡ, which had spread to the lymph nodes. Though she has suffered from pain caused by chemical treatment, she never stops her beneficence, and still continues giving the dolls of courage to those who are in need.
For more information, please visit Taipei e-Campus website: http://welearning.taipei.gov.tw/ecampus/EDM/2014_05_LoveLive/LoveLive.html (Chinese).