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2011 Taipei City Hakka Culture Festival

2011 Taipei City Hakka Culture Festival
Date: December 22, 2011 7:30PM
Venue: Theater of Armed Forces Cultural Center.
Programme Name: Hakka Music Feast- Chiuko Chinese Traditional Orchestra
The series of annual event, 2011 Taipei City Hakka Culture Festival, held by Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission welcome people to enjoy the “Hakka Music Feast” on December 22, 2011 at Theater of Armed Forces Cultural Center. This year, we invite “Chiuko Traditional Orchestra” lead by famous musician Mei-Ying Meng to perform not only adapted traditional Hakka songs but also play songs in a new ways, taking everyone to look back upon the path of cultivation during the past one hundred year and looking forward to a bright future.
For more information please visit website: http://www.hac.taipei.com.tw .(Chinese) or call: 02-2702-6141#226.