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Afternoon Tea and Carnival Walk to Celebrate R.O.C’s Centennial


“R.O.C.’s Centennial Afternoon Tea and Carnival Walk” was held at two o’clock in the afternoon on November 12, 2011 at the Taipei Hakka Culture Park. It was a free event open to the public. Whoever registered for the event would get a chance to win prizes. You can find out more information on the following website(chinese) http://ddaf.pixnet.net/blog

    More than two thousand Taipei citizens gathered together at the central lawn of the newly completed Taipei Hakka Culture Park. taking about an hour, they walked through the Riverside Bridge to Guting Riverside Park. There were interesting games, food and drinks and a lucky draw to celebrate the centennial birthday of the R.O.C. More than one hundred lucky draw prizes included laptop computers , and USB mass storage devices.

    There was a “Creative College Hakka Song Performance” between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the Hakka Theater. Many enjoyed the performance after their walk. There was also a giveaway of free bags. It was a fun and meaningful celebration of R.O.C’s centennial.