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2012 Annual Presentation of the Taipei Hakka Language

The Taipei City Government Press Release
Issued by: Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission
Issue date: June 18th, 2012
Organizer: Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission
Press contact: Huang Si Chi (Tel: 02-27026141#318 )
Officer in charge: Yang Te Hsin (Tel: 02-27026141#223)
Splendid Taipei‧ Glorious Hakka
2012 Annual Presentation of the Taipei Hakka Language
Education Units
The Hakka Language Education Units, assisted by Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission, will hold “Splendid Taipei‧Glorious Hakka – 2012 Annual Presentation of the Taipei Hakka Language Education Units” in Hakka Music and Theater Center at Taipei Hakka Cultural Park, on August 25th - 26th (Sat-Sun) and September 1st- 2nd (Sat-Sun). This presentation will demonstrate the fruitful achievements made by all 78 education units over the year and will be a great opportunity for the public to enjoy the Hakka melody, literature and Arts.
What causes a fierce stir in this annual activity is the competition of the Hakka Folksongs singing. The champion has to outplay 42 teams (there are 43 teams of competitors in total) by reinterpreting traditional Hakka Folksongs with creativity while not losing beautiful tones and pitches. Furthermore, there will be many more competitions, for example, drum performance, contest between study groups, singing ballads, playing stringed instruments, and dancing. The best performed 18 teams will get tickets to join the “2012 Taipei Hakka Yimin Festival”, at where the winner will be selected, on October 14th (Sun). Therefore, it is already foreseen a great splendid celebration this year.
This great activity means a lot to the Hakka People in Taipei, and we hope and welcome people who love the Hakka Music to join us. For more information, please visit Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission’s website, http://www.hac.taipei.gov.tw .(Chinese)