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Four Suspects Accused of Placing Rotenone in Headwaters

The XinDian police department announced that four suspects were accused of placing poisonous substance into water source to poach fish, which was against criminal code of article 190. On July 14, a large number of fish were found dead floating along Jing-gua-liao creek, a main tributary of Feitsui Reservoir. Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration (TFRA) and other related authorities collaborate to identify the reason of the unusual death of fish. According to examination report by Taiwan Agricultural Chemicals and Toxic Substance Research Institute, the deaths were caused by rotenone, a common-use pesticide. TFRA acknowledged the great efforts put forth by the police to solve the case. In the future, TFRA hope the river rangers in the headwaters will increase patrols to keep the creeks safe.