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2012 Taipei Hakka Yimin Festival

Over the past years, Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission (HAC) has hosted the Taipei Hakka Yimin Festival, yielding great achievements and results. This year, on 10/13 and 10/14, HAC will celebrate the 25th Taipei Hakka Yimin Festival together with the anniversary of Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park opening. To witness this important event, we invited 25 Yimin Temples delegations from all over the country to celebrate this occasion with us and to participate in a series of activities.
In the morning of 10/13, we will host the God-Welcoming Parade, which has attracted a large number of participants each year. This year, there will be delegations from 25 Yimin Temples taking part in the parade, showing unprecedented influence and vitality. The procession will take off from National Theater , passing through Nanchang Road – the home of a vibrant Hakka community, and then arrive at Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park in time for the God-Seating Ceremony. In the evening, we will host the Taipei Love Hakka Party at the Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park to welcome Hakka people from all over the country. Famous Hakka hosts and singers will join this party and bring variety shows from pop songs to traditional folk songs.
In the morning of 10/14, the Shoulder Pole Meal Giving event will take place on the streets, with participants traveling from the National Theater Concert Hall to the Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park and displaying the Hakka virtue of diligence and frugality. The prosperous and solemn Main Sacrifice Ceremony will be hosted by the President Ma Ying Jeou and the mayor of Taipei City along with honored guests. For Yimin night, we’ve invited famous singers and celebrities to perform for the audience, offering new life to Hakka culture and displaying unsurpassable beauty in the generation.