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2012 Taipei City Hakka Culture Festival- Dragon Boat Festival

Date: June 23, 10:00-13:00
Location: Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park

The series of annual event, 2012 Taipei City Hakka Culture Festival, held by Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission welcome people to enjoy the joyful Hakka Cultural Activities from traditional festivals to music feasts.

Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important festivals for Hakka which occurs on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month. In Hakka Language, we call it “The 5th Month Festival”. This year, it fall on June 23rd that we will celebrate this important event right on that day.

For celebrating Dragon Boat Festival, we will have ZongZi(rice dumping) wrapping competition, Hakka martial art performance and Hakka dancing and singing shows. We also supply delicious Hakka food and drinks and have ZongZi DIY activity that gives chance to wrap your own Zong Zi!

For more information, please visit the Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission website at http://www.hac.taipei.gov.tw.(Chinese)