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【Activities】Executives of Mitsubishi Corporation Visit Taipei City Yangming Home for the Disabled in 2012

Activity Date:  May 14, 2012 (Mon.)
Activity Time: 16:30-17:30
Activity Place: The Hua-Gang Division of Taipei Municipal Yang Ming Home for the Disabled
Participants: Residents of Taipei City Yangming Home for the Disabled
Active goal:
Currently based in Tokyo, Mitsubishi Corporation's Senior Executive Vice President Mr. Nabeshima paid a special visit to Taipei City Yangming Home for the Disabled on Monday, May 14. He was accompanied by Mr. Konuku, who like Mr. Nabeshima, made many contributions to Yang Ming before completing his stint as Vice President of the company's Taiwan branch in 2010, and transferring back to the Japanese headquarters.
The welcoming ceremony began with a Daiko drum performance delivered by the residents amid cheers and applause. The Yang Ming staff then gave the guests a guided tour of Mitsubishi-funded special service facilities, including a computer lab for people with cerebral palsy, a rehabilitation room for bedridden residents and residents using wheelchairs to do stretches and floor-based exercises, and a multi-sensory room that meets the needs of those receiving nursing care for emotional disorders, among other disabilities. Also included in the tour was a "Sunny Garden" that offers farmers' training programs and equipment for residents in the Vocational Development Section and a special zone for sports and recreational activities that widens the residents' indoor leisure options.
In appreciation of Mitsubishi's generous support, the visiting guests were presented greeting cards made on the computer by Yang Ming residents, in addition to home-grown vegetables and baked goods by those receiving vocational training!