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【Activities】The 20th Cheerleading Competition for the Mentally Retarded – North and East Districts of Taiwan

Activity Date: May 27, 2012
Activity Time: 09:30 am to 05:00 pm
Activity Place: Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall
Participants: The Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Chief of the Vocational Development Section, the “Happy Angel Cheerleading Team” and staff
Active goal:
It was drizzling on the morning of the event. We were quite worried that it might turn into heavy rain in the afternoon. Thank God it remained cloudy and cool throughout the day, so the members of the “Happy Angel” cheerleading team did not have to be drenched in sweat for the performance. In order to achieve a better result, the participants practiced before the start of the afternoon competition. The choreography teacher also helped the cheerleaders put on their make-up. In spite of their very busy schedule, the superintendent and deputy superintendent were also there to boost morale. Watching the children smile happily as they performed made all the hard work over the past few months feel worthwhile. The children’s outstanding performance also received positive feedback from the judges. The cheerleading team received two group awards including the award for Outstanding Performance and the award for Best Effort.