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【Activities】Yang Ming Extension Scouts Invited to the "Double Ninth Festival and October Birthday Celebration Activities" in the Taipei Municipal Haoran Senior Citizens Home to serve the Elders.

Activity Date: October 18 (Thursday), 2012
Activity Time: 1:20 pm to 4:30 pm
Venue: 7F Assembly Hall of Taipei Municipal Haoran Senior Citizens Home.
Participants: 6 members of the scouts , day-care teachers, therapists and 5 external scout volunteers.
Active goal:
Well before the end of the lunch break, members of the scouts had voluntarily gathered together, all in high spirit. Cheng Hsiu-Men, the commissioner of the scouts, had also arrived well ahead of time. Enthusiastically ready to serve people, they were all prepared to contribute to the "Double Ninth Festival and October Birthday Celebration Activities” in the Taipei Municipal Haoran Senior Citizens Home. The group arrived at the Haoran Senior Citizens Home at 2:00 pm. The scouts entered the venue in an orderly way and attentively listened to the speech of Yi-wen Chiang, Commissioner of the Bureau of Social Welfare, Taipei City Government, who was giving her festival greetings to the elders. Under the leadership of A-Min, the scouts then performed "Attention, at Ease, Salute, and End of Salute" to demonstrate the spirit of scouts. Chen Yi-Chan, the leader of the scouts , received a certificate of appreciation afterward on behalf of the scouts. Well-prepared to offer a helping hand, the scouts then started to hand out cakes to the elders. They broke into big smiles when they heard the elders express their thanks. Not only did the scouts enjoy being helpful, they were also highly delighted by the other's performance. Cheerfully waving their bodies with the music, they all looked energetic and full of vitality. The participants then conveyed their best wishes to the elders and they all took a photo together, marking the end of this successful event.