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【Activities】Taipei City Yangming Home for the Disabled: Family Day and Birthday Party - April, 2012

Activity Date: Saturday, April 14, 2012
Activity Time: 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Activity Place: Recreation Center on the third floor of the Hua Gong Division
Participants: The Youth Volunteer Center in Taipei of the National Youth Commission; all staff and students of the Home
Active goal:
The April 2012 birthday party was started by Sun Li-Chu, the superintendent of Taipei City Yangming Home for the Disabled, conveying her best wishes to the birthday stars then cutting the birthday cake alongside Vice Superintendent Guo Fang-hsien, parents of the students, and representatives of the birthday stars. The participants then sang the “Happy Birthday” song. Apart from distributing birthday gifts, the superintendent also sent thank you certificates and handmade soaps to the performers from the Youth Volunteer Center in Taipei. The participants wholeheartedly enjoyed the cozy and pleasant atmosphere. Visitors from the Caritas Rehabilitation Service, Hong Kong, also joined in and sang the “Happy Birthday” song afterwards, which further enlivened the atmosphere. Students from the Percussion Group of Taipei City Yangming Home for the Disabled also produced a very energetic and exciting performance that attracted great attention from the audience. The finale included a series of group games and songs presented by the members of the youth volunteer centers in Taipei, bringing a very enjoyable time to all. In addition to the delicious birthday cake and snacks for the birthday stars, children also had extra fun playing the games. All participants had a wonderful time at the birthday party and Family Day activities.