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HistoryThe history of Taipei City Market Administration Office can be traced back to the 1900s, during the same period in which the Japanese ruled. It was organized under the name of Taipei Livestock Market and was founded by the State Administration along with the Police Administration. It was taken over by Prefecture Administration in 1920, and then was under another administration in 1927. In the early 40s, it had been restructured to Taipei Marketing Livestock Company which was to be responsible for livestock. To satisfy the requirements of growing population, the government established the Livestock Market Management Committee on April 1, 1951. Till February 11, 1977, the committee was combined with the Fifth Section of Construction Bureau responsible for markets management and markets construction section as the Sixth section of the same bureau to be the Markets Administration Office. It holds responsibilities of municipal planning, construction, management, and coordination of agricultural products and daily necessities in both wholesale and retail markets.

According to the Agricultural Products Market Transaction Act, which was stipulated on March 29, 1988, the meat and livestock wholesale markets were operated and run by Taipei Livestock Marketing Co. Ltd. which was jointly sponsored by the Taipei City Government, the Taipei City Farmers Association, and the meat and livestock consignees. The above mentioned markets were subordinated to the Department of Economic Development of Taipei City Government.

Furthermore, to solidify with the city government to construct the underground mall, the First Section of the Administration took over the responsibilities of the underground mall under the city government policy, while the construction of the underground mall was completed, the managerial affairs of the underground mall became so many that they needed a new section to manage the relevant affairs of the underground market. In January, 1999, the Taipei City Council approved the Fifth Section of the Administration.

In order to improve its administrative efficiency and service quality, the Taipei City Council approved the reorganization "Taipei City Market Administration Office" on May 30, 2007. It combines and develops the market affairs, and adjusts the responsibilities of each section. It includes retail markets, wholesale markets, market construction, vendor and underground malls, operation planning, property management 6 sections and planning, administration services, accounting, government ethics, and personnel five offices. It was approved effective on September 11, 2007.