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Introduction to the Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government

The Department of Information and Tourism is responsible for tourism development under the auspices of the Taipei City Government
The tourism industry is a promising sector with tremendous potential for high growth. Not only can a city with a well-organized tourism network accelerate its social and economic development, it can also enhance its global exposure, media publicity, and municipal diplomacy. Hence, numerous international metropolises have expended much effort in establishing professional tourism-related agencies and engaged in strategies dedicated to promoting their city’s overall tourism industry.
Taipei City is rich in natural and cultural resources, giving it a number of advantages in tourism. However, the promotion process has not always been undertaken in an efficient and effective enough manner to exert Taipei's innate ascendancy in this area. One of the reasons for this lies in the overall lack of a long-term dedicated agency under the city government that is capable of deploying sufficient resources to the promotion of tourism in Taipei.
In an attempt to solve this problem and to follow in the footsteps of other international cities that have successfully promoted tourism, former Taipei City Mayor Ma Ying-jeou planned the establishment of the Department of Information and Tourism (TPEDOIT). After Mayor Hau Lung-bin assumed office, the scheduled integration among agencies and departments was effectively accelerated. Finally, on May 23, 2007, the Taipei City Council granted that the former Information Department be officially changed to the "Department of Information and Tourism (TPEDOIT)" on September 11th of the same year with its task being to help promote Taipei City and develop its tourism industry.
TPEDOIT: Turning over a New leaf for Taipei City Tourism
The major short-term difference following the establishment of TPEDOIT as a single entity, was the integration of various miscellaneous units, originally under different supervisory bodies, into one department responsible for tourism promotion. TPEDOIT now plays an important role in the tourism industry by providing both guidance and support, as well as facilitating the establishment of strategic partnerships. For visitors and residents, TPEDOIT not only serves as a quality-control mechanism to ensure tourism-service quality, but also acts as an arbitrator in consumer disputes.
With the establishment of TPEDOIT, Taipei City expects to see a continual rise in the number of visitors each year. The continued growth and development of a quality tourism industry will certainly be good news for Taipei as well as for everyone who loves to travel.