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I. Organizational Development

??To promulgate new regulations imposed by?Taipei City Government, the Preparation Committee for New Construction Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government (NCO) was established?at No. 113, Sec. 2, Chang-an East Rd., in Taipei City on Nov. 29th, 1967, NCO was later officially relocated to No. 8, Sec. 3, Ji-nan Rd., in Taipei City ?in March of 1968.?NCO is currently under the jurisdiction of the Public Works Department and?comprises?five sections and four offices, namely the Road Section, the Environmental Engineering Section, the Architectural Section, the Construction Section, the Supply Section, the Personnel Office, the Accounting Office, the Safety Office, and the General Affairs Office.?NCO is also in charge of the design, procurement, contracting, construction, and monitoring of Taipei City's?roads, bridges, and buildings.?

Photo of the old Taipei City Government

(Source of photos: Wikipedia)

??The office was relocated to No. 33, Sec. 2, Ji-nan Rd. in Taipei City, in 1973, the 5th and 6th floors of the Shui-yuan Market Building in Gongguan, in 1982, and eventually to the City Hall Building in 1993.?NCO has been restructured?fourteen ?times, and the sub-divisions that have been added, removed, or adjusted include the Traffic Construction Section, the Planning Section, the Environmental Engineering Section, the Supply Section, the Road Section. The current official structure consists of?nine sections,?one team, and?five offices with more than 850 personnel including the Planning and Design Section, the Mechanical and Electrical Section, the Architectural Section, the Construction Section, the Maintenance Section, the Quality Control Section, the Excavation Section, the Maintenance Team, the Cooperation Section, the Common Duct Section, the Systems Management Office, the Secretary’s Office, the Accounting Office, the Personnel Office, and the Government Ethics Office. These sub-divisions’ duties include the implementation of construction projects, the maintenance of new roads, and the planning, surveying, design, construction, research, and improvement of bridges, plazas, and city-owned buildings.

Photo of Taipei City Government

(Source of photos: Wikipedia)

II.?Staff Members

1.?Exceptional Talents
? The past commissioners were not only professionals in their own respective domains but also actively promoted the development of constructions and led?NCO to move forward?in becoming one of the leaders of Taiwan’s construction industry. The names and terms of the office's past commissioners are as follows:

???? 1.?Hsien-wu Yin (March, 1968 ~ Jan.,1972)
???? 2.?Shiu-wu Fan (Jan., 1972 ~ Sept., 1974)
???? 3.?Tsang-wen Hsiao (Sep., 1974 ~ Jan., 1981)
???? 4.?Yu-wei Kang (Jan., 1981 ~ Jan., 1987)
???? 5.?Wen Wang (Jan., 1987 ~ July, 1990)
???? 6.?Mao-hsien Chen (Aug., 1990 ~ July, 1994)
???? 7.?Chin-ming Chen (July, 1994 ~ Oct., 1999)
???? 8.?Wu-hsiung Chuang (Oct., 1999 ~ Dec., 2005)
???? 9.?Sz-chuan Li (Feb., 2006 ~ Sept., 2007)
??? 10. His-hsun Huang (Feb., 2008 ~ May, 2008)
????11. Jiun-hsien Wu (Sept., 2008 ~ May, 2010 )
?  12. I-ping Huang (June, 2010 ~ March, 2012)
????13. Der-Yih Chen(April, 2012 ~ July, 2014 )
? ?14. Chih-feng Huang(July, 2014 ~ June, 2016 )

Construction Sites

2.?Brilliant Achievements
? NCO's more than four decades of experience in the design, actual practice, and?research have led to its continuous?improvement and overwhelming?success; testimony of these achievements can be seen from the fact that?NCO?was awarded the "Public Construction Golden Quality Award" by the Executive Yuan.

Public Construction Golden Quality Award

(Source of photos: The Public Construction Commission)

???? ◎?Public Construction Award?for Exceptional Achievement
???? 1. Stage 2 expansion construction of the Zhou-Mei Expressway.
???? 2. Construction of the underground tunnel extending from Fu-xing N. Rd. to the?Songshan Airport.
???? 3. Stage 1 Renovation construction of the Taipei Stadium.
??????? ?Expansion construction of multifunctional stadium (The Taipei Arena).
???? 4. Renovation construction of Taipei Stadium (an athletic field).

???? ◎?Public Construction?Excellence Award
???? 1. Bidding of the DN174A construction of underground streets of Taipei Main
?? ????? Station.
???? 2. Joint Building of the Department of Land and Emergency Response Center.
?????? ? New Constructions

NCO (New Construction Office) Deputy Commissioner I-ping Huang was presented the Award of Exceptional Achievement in the Category of Construction of the Athletic Field Lump-sum Construction Golden Award for Architecture by Mayor Hau.

NCO?Deputy Commissioner I-ping Huang was?presented the Award of Exceptional Achievement in the Category of Construction of the Athletic Field Lump-sum Construction?Golden?Award for Architecture?by Mayor Hau.


1.?Pioneers of Transportation
? The completion of the Xin-sheng N. Rd. Overpass in 1978 and?the Jian-guo North-South Overpass in 1981 not only initiated?the completion of Taipei City’s north-south transportation network but also marked the beginning of the?expressways. Other projects completed by?NCO, listed in the chronological order of the time of their completions,?were the?Gu-ting Interchange and the Xin-hai Rd. Overpass, the?Huan-he S. Rd. Overpass Expressway, the Shui-yuan Dual-level Expressway, the Keelung Overpass, the Xin-hai Rd. and the Keelung Rd. Interchange, the East-West Expressway (Civil Blvd.), the Huan-dong Overpass Expressway, the Zhou-Mei Overpass Expressway, and the 2nd North Highway’s Xinyi Branch Expressway. All in all, each?section of Taipei City’s comprehensive transportation network is testimony of the hard work and dedication of?NCO's pioneering leadership team.

2nd North Highway’s Xinyi Branch Expressway

The Xin-hai Tunnel (South 1 Tunnel), the Zhuang-jing Tunnel (South 2 Tunnel) and? the Zi-qiang Tunnel (North 1 Tunnel) were originally constructed in 1970 for evacuation, emergency shelter, and air raid protection?purposes. Subsequent achievements include? the Huai-en Tunnel (South 3 Tunnel),? the Lin-sen S. Rd. underground tunnel,? the Jin-long Tunnel,? the Keelung Rd. underground tunnel,? the underground tunnel between Songshan Airport and Fu-xing N. Rd.,? the Xinyi Branch Xiang-shan Tunnel, and the Wen-shan Tunnel. The expert design and functions of these networks clearly demonstrate innovations in NCO’s tunnel-creation technology and?its steadfast dedication to national defense in?earlier years.

Construction of underground tunnel from Fu-xing N. Rd. to Son-shan Airport.

The construction of the Da-chi Bridge in 1969 marked the beginning of a series of bridges, including the Nan-hu Bridge, the Fu-he Bridge, the Fu-he Bridge #2, the Zhong-xing Bridge, the Min-quan Bridge, the Chong-yang Bridge, the single-arc and ?dual-level Macarthur’s Bridge,?as well as?Cheng-gong Bridge and Zhou-Mei Bridge, which both contain?dual-arcs and dual-levels. These are also witnesses to NCO’s impressive history and represent the tremendous strides?it has taken to contribute to the history of modern bridge construction.?

Jing-mei Bridge

4.?Common Ducts
? The Common Duct Section of?NCO was established in February of 1991, and?was the first agency created in Taiwan that was dedicated to the laying of underground pipelines. In 1992,?NCO introduced cutting-edge techniques in the construction, design, management, and information systems management of common ducts from Japan to effectively reduce the frequency of road excavations, reduce pollution, and maintain the city’s landscape. More than a decade later, NCO has completed duct constructions, maintained, and managed projects on Civil Blvd., the straightening of Keelung Rd., the Nangang Software Park, and the Zhou-Mei Expressway.?NCO is currently in the process of completing pipeline constructions for expansions of the MRT(Mass Rapid Transit) underground railway?network.?

Photo of Common Ducts

? In addition to transportation constructions, NCO?also oversees the completion?of the public building construction projects initiated by?Taipei City Government?over different stages and years. Such projects?include the following:?Fire departments, office buildings, school activity centers, education buildings, parking buildings, underground streets, sports grounds, and stadiums. The high quality of these projects have been widely-acknowledged by the Government, and?NCO?has, therefore, come to be known for its extremely efficient, high-quality standards.

? Since 1991, NCO’s projects have included?Taipei City Hall,?Taipei City Council, Zhong-xing Hospital, Zheng-zhou Rd. underground streets, Taipei Main Station's underground streets, the Taipei Arena, the Emergency Operations Center, the Information Technology Building, civil sports centers in many districts, the 2009 Deaflympics Stadium, and the Taipei International Flora Expo Hall. NCO's previous granted budget for a series of projects has now been increased to more than NT$48 billion,?which bears testimony of NCO's brilliant achievements regarding architectural projects.

Campus of He-ping Elementary School, Da-an District -- Stage 1 Sports Center Construction

New Construction of Taipei Flowers Auction and Taiwan International Flowers Trade Center

Athletic Field of Taipei Arena

Schematics of the Taipei International Flora Expo Hall