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Operational reports

I. Taipei City Government Commission of Economic Development was officially founded in August 1999. Since then, it has held a total of twelve Commission meetings (including an extraordinary meeting), with, on average, three meetings being held each year. In the Commission meetings, all of which were presided over by the Mayor, all Divisions delivered their respective reports for full discussion. In the twelve meetings, a total of 47 reports were delivered and 23 issues were discussed. The decisions resolved in the Commission have been referred to the Bureaus and Administrations concerned for enforcement.
II. As instructed by the Mayor, the Commission functions as the exclusive window for communication between Taipei City Government and Nankang Software Industrial Park to coordinate action between the Bureaus and Administrations and businesses concerned. The Commission has endeavored to provide a forum for investors and assure close interchanges between the Mayor and Park investors. As of July 31, 2003, the Commission had sponsored a total of six symposiums. In the first five meetings, Nangng Business Park submitted 102 proposals, requesting support from the Taipei City Government. So far, Taipei City Government has supported 92 cases, including 87 cases, which have been successfully enforced and five cases are under way, demonstrating a 95 per cent enforcement efficiency. (Nine cases were outside the scope of Taipei City Government and one has been proven not to be feasible.)
III. To help Nankang Software Industrial Park resolve issues related to Taipei City Government promptly and to help build an optimal climate for investors, in early 2001, Taipei City Government set up the Nankang Software Industrial Park Service Task Force. Through this mechanism, Taipei City Government is listening to and responding to the needs of Park operators and investors. After review by the Mayor, the minutes of these meetings are referred to the Bureaus and Administrations concerned for implementation and then monitored by Taipei City Government Commission of Economic Development. Since 2001, the Task Force has held sixteen meetings in which the Park Administration and Service Center submitted a total of 52 requests for support from Taipei City Government Government. As of June 30, 2003, Taipei City Government had successfully enforced 46 cases, demonstrating a 96 per cent rate of implementation efficiency.
IV. Taipei City Government Commission of Economic Development has sponsored and coordinated meetings, providing assistance and resolving Taipei City Government related issues on projects such as King’s Emporiums, Breeze Plaza, Taipei Computer Association’s Information Month, the development of Wufenpu Commercial Area, International Jaycees, and Kiwanis International.
V. The Commission has held three meetings for establishing Major Investment service unit, the Unit approaches potential investors expressing the Mayor’s interest in meeting their needs. When necessary, the Unit arranges meetings between Taipei City Government Bureaus and Administrations and investors to help solve problems and to provide a link between the organizations and also sponsors inter-bureau meetings.