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Advice for Purchasing Ossuary Niches

Advice for Purchasing Ossuary Niches

Advice for Purchasing Ossuary Niches

Item Advice for Purchasing Ossuary Niches
Undertaker MSO
Phone 87329709

Notice for purchasing ossuary niches
Recently many citizens appealed to us that indecent agents promote ossuary niches in the name of gas inspection or gas anti-explosion check and other means. They even claim that the profit of ossuary niches will expand exponentially in a few years.

While these agents exploit the greed of consumers, many were fooled and bought their products. In this case, citizens should pay attention to the following items when purchasing an ossuary niche.

  1. Always purchase ossuary niches from a legally registered seller.
  2. Make sure that the ossuary has been completed and obtained legal use and construction permits.
  3. Read the purchasing contract twice to see of there are unfair terms (reference can be made to the standard contract from the MOI).
  4. As the ossuary niches supply is shorter than the demand, please compare prices before making your decisions.
  5. Make sure to obtain a legal use certificate from the seller.
Do not use ossuary niches as an investment vehicle.

Downloads of advice for purchasing ossuary niches

‧Introduction to Legal Ossuaries and Public Cemeteries in Taipei City開新視窗-臺北市合法靈骨樓及公墓簡介WORD檔(file size: 119KB) / 開新視窗-臺北市合法靈骨樓及公墓簡介PDF檔(file size: 235KB)