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Free Wireless Access, Taipei Travel with Seamless Mobility

TPEfree_CityHallBeing able to go online while moving around is one of the ultimate perks in making a city world-class. Yes, you've guessed it, Taipei is set to become even more user-friendly as of July with the launch of its“Taipei Free Public Wi-Fi Access”, allowing you to roam this city without boundary and without limit but with a world of information instantaneously available.

Currently in Asia, Hong Kong and Singapore offer free wireless public Internet access in selected areas. Taipei's free wireless network signal coverage will surpass these models this year, markedly improving the travel experience for visiting tourists.

TPE-Free in Two Phases

To ensure information security and facilitate account management, tourists from overseas can go to the visitor information center at the Taipei International Airport or any scenic site, or to the service counter at any major Taipei tourist hotel, and apply for a wireless Internet access account using your passport number. After logging in, you can then access the service at any major indoor or outdoor public facility in the city. Expatriates resident in Taipei can access http://www.tpe-free.taipei.gov.tw/en/ on their Taiwan mobile phones, register their mobile number, and when certified go online for free immediately.

Among the many public locations where wireless Internet access can be enjoyed starting in July: Taipei City Hall, the 12 city administrative district offices, all city libraries, all Taipei City Hospital complexes, and all Taipei Metro stations and Taipei Metro underground shopping malls. The second phase of the service will go into operation before October, when the free wireless network will be expanded to include outdoor open areas and city buses. Steady expansion will continue afterwards with the incorporation of places where large numbers of people often gather such as public parks and other expansive outdoor venues.

TPEfree_MRTCurrently, the majority of users are utilizing the popular Apple iPhone and Google Android smart phone platforms. Access to the MOTA website brings immediate access to all sorts of information, and the city govt. also provides the special Map of Taipei Amusement app. After downloading, you go on the website and determine your position; a wealth of transportation information and map guidance then becomes available to you.After you get to any tourist site you've decided to visit, visit the MOTA website for a map of the surrounding area, giving you a quick and easy-to-grasp picture of nearby dining and shopping options and helping you determine the best route planning—walking, bus, bicycle, self-drive, alone or in combination.

Taiwan's warm hospitality is known far from its shores, and the Taipei City Govt.works systematically to make this an ever more tech-friendly city. The goal is to make all the information you need available to you the moment you need it, wherever you are and however you're moving around; the seamless TPE-Free system puts a world of dining, transportation, and entertainment information at your fingertips. The good life is being made even better, thanks to the best in high-tech wizardry.

Map of Taipei Amusement (MOTA):
